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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

pre-order a digital copy of "The 36" - only 5 days left

The 36 is one of the latest Jewish graphic novel projects which is being helped out by Kickstarter. However, the deadline for raising the funds (goal total : $10,000 USD) is less than a week away (Aug. 8th). That means that if the $10,000 is not raised in time to meet the deadline, the project may be delayed or could remain unfinished.

What's The 36 about?

Below is the description from the entry at Kickstarter :

The 36 is a graphic novel based on the Kabbalistic belief that there are 36 people in the world upon whom it is saved by their simple existence. In times of need, these people emerge from anonymity and save us, then fade back into their lives.

Noam, our hero, is one of those people. Armed with the fabled staff of Moses (used to split the Red Sea), Noam would love nothing more than to fade into anonymity; he just doesn't know what he has to do to finish his duty as one of the 36.
The first 5 pages of the book may be viewed at

You may also watch the colorful promotional Vimeo video at or by clicking on the inline image below.

The 3 "low reward" options seem quite reasonable to me.

For just $10, you will receive a digitally-delivered PDF copy of the Trade Paperback for "The 36" (Chapters #1-5).

For only $6, you will receive a digitally-delivered PDF copy of "The 36" Chapters #1-3.

A mere $1 will allow you to receive a digitally-delivered PDF copy of "The 36" Chapter #1.

There are other reward levels, as well. However, I wanted to point out that you may read the whole story (5 chapters), just by paying $10 (if the fundraising goal is met by the deadline).

Remember : the deadline for this Kickstarter project is just 5 days away.

To go to the pledge page for the 36 (pledges do not become payments unless the project is fully funded ; payment is via, please visit

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