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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Hereville gets even more attention

Earlier today, Laurel Snyder (author of Baxter the Kosher Pig) interviewed Barry Deutsch (author of Hereville which won the 2011 Sydney Taylor Award (Older Readers category).

Below is an excerpt :

Meanwhile, just one last little thing, in parting– Do you think books can change the world?

Definitely, but only the way a conversation can change the world, or a speech, or a TV show. Everything we do changes the world somehow, but usually the changes are very tiny. So to make a big change you need thousands of people (and thousands of books), all pushing to change the world in some direction. A good example is, are there going to be some engaging and interesting Jewish girl characters in kids books? If just one or two books do that, the answer is “no,” but if a whole bunch of us do it, the answer becomes “yes,” and that will make a small but consequential difference in the lives of a lot of Jewish girl readers who want to see themselves reflected in books.

To read the full interview, please go to

The webcomic Unshelved (formerly known as Overdue) hosted a review of Hereville, review written by Gene Ambaum (as part of its Unshleved Book Club feature-within-a-feature).

As with all Unshelved, reviews, the page is done comic style, but also contains reproductions of 2 pages from the Hereville graphic novel. So it's like reading 3 comic pages --- but crammed onto a single page. It's quite nice, actually.

To read the review, please go to

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